Contents of this subsection: a-Mongolia gateways; b-2010Summer Train Timetable and ticket costs; c- Train classes; e-others...

A. Mongolia gateways-

by train:Trains from Moscow to Ulaanbaatar with Trans Mongolian Railway. Journey takes 5 days to get to Ulaanbaatar , Capital of Mongolia. Trains  fromBeijing to Ulaanbaatar with Trans Mongolian Railway. Journey takes 36 hours to get to Ulaanbaatar.

by plain: from and to: Moscow - AEROFLOT Russian Airlines, MIAT Mongolian Airlines
from and to: Beijing - MIAT Mongolian Airlines, Air China
from and to: Seoul - MIAT Mongolian Airlines, Korean Air
from and to: Tokyo and Osaka - MIAT Mongolian Airlines
from and to: Berlin - MIAT Mongolian Airlines
from and to: Irkutsk - MIAT Mongolian Airlines

Tourists from Europe usually come to via Beijing than Moskow.
Tourists coming from North America come to via Seoul and Beijing .

B.Current 2010 Summer Train Timetable and ticket costs\checked on 14.6.2010\:

Trains leaving Ulaanbaatar:

a. Beijing-Ulaanbaatar-Moscow Train No.3 leaves Ulaanbaatar on Thursdays at 13:50/ travel 29 hours from Beijing to UB or travel for 91 hours from UB to Moscow.

A ticket to Moscow is 254470togrog/in 4-berth compartment or 2/4 class called "kupe"/, 368490togrog/in semi-luxury 4-berth compartment or 1/4 class/ and444980togrog /in luxury class or 2-berth compartment called as 1/2 class/.

b. Moscow-Ulaanbaatar-Beijing Train No.4 leaves Ulaanbaatar on Sundays at 07:15. /travel for 106 hours from Moscow to UB and travel for 30 hours from UB to Beijing/.

A ticket to Beijing costs: 129860ogrog in 4-berth compartment or "kupe" called 2/4 class- 184430togrog in semi-luxury or 1/4 class with 4-berth compartment-217600togrog in luxury 2-berh compartment called as 2/1.

c. Ulaanbaatar-Beijing Train No.24 leaves Ulaanbaatar on Thursdays and Fridays at 07:15\once in 2 weeks\. /travel for 29 hours/

A ticket in 4-berth compartment or kupe called as 2/4 class is 130950togrog and in luxury or 2-berth-compartment calles as 1/2 class is 200700togrog.

d. Ulaanbaatar-Moscow Train No.5 leaves on Tuesdays and Fridays at 13:50. /travel for 91 hours/

A ticket in 4-berth compartment is 266030togrog and in luxury 2-berh compartment called as 1/2 class is-413150togrog.

e. Ulaanbaatar-Irkutsk Train No. 263 leaves every evening at 21.10 /travel for 54 hours/

Trains arriving in  Ulaanbaatar:

aBeijing-Ulaanbaatar-Moscow Train No.3 arrives on Thursdays at 13:20. /travel for 29 hours from Beijing to UB/

bMoscow-Ulaanbaatar-Beijing Train No.4 arrives on Sundays at 06:30. /travel for 30 hours from UB to Beijing/

c. Beijing- Ulaanbaatar Train No.23 arrives on Wednesdays and Sundays at 13:20. /travel for 29 hours/

d. Moscow-Ulaanbaatar Train No.6 arrives on Mondays and Tuesdays at 06:30. \once in 2 weeks/travel for 106 hours/

e. Irkutsk -Ulaanbaatar Train No.264 arrives every morning at 6:10. /travel for 58 hours/

C. Train Classes. With a few exceptions, all international trains have two or three classes. The names and standards of the classes depend on whether it is a Mongolian, Russian or Chinese train.
On the Russian (and Mongolian) trains, most travellers travel in 2nd class - printed on tickets and timetables as 2/4' and known as 'coupe' or kupeynyy in Russian. These are small, but perfectly comfortable, four-person compartments with four bunk-style beds and a fold-down table.
First class (printed as '1/4')or 'soft-sleeper'. It has softer beds but hardly any more space than a Russian 2nd class seat and is not worth the considerably higher fare charged. On Chinese trains/No.3 and No.4 two-berth compartments have jet-air ventilation and share a small WC/washroom with the neighbouringcompartment. It’s is nonsmoking.
The real luxury (and expense) comes with Chinese deluxe class (printed as '1/2'): roomy, wood-paneled two-berth compartments with a sofa, and a shower cubicle shared with the adjacent compartment. The deluxe class on Russian trains, which is slightly cheaper than the Chinese deluxe, has two bunks but is not much different in size than the 2nd class and has no showers.

UB01:Beijing -> Ulan Bator (Ulaanbaatar) international train timetable PDF Print E-mail
Beijing to Ulan Bator  book now! 
The timetable below is effective since June 1, 2007
Train #
Deluxe Sleeper 
Mondays K23
29hr 35m
Tuesdays K23
29hr 35m

  • Reservation opens 2 months in advance.
  • Early booking is recommended.
  • Passport number required
  • Please contact Mongolian embassy in your home country to see if you need a visa to enter Mongolia.
  • The train leaves from Beijing Railway Station.
  • Please be at the railway station at least 1 hour in advance.

dother informations:

The Trans-Mongolian line: it  follows the same route as the Trans-Siberian between Moscow and Ulan Ude, and then follows this route to Mongolia and China:

    • Branch off from the Trans-Siberian line (5,655 km from Moscow)
    • Naushki (5,895 km, MT+5), Russian border town


  • Sukhbaatar (5,921 km, MT+5), Mongolian border town
  • Ulaanbaatar (6,304 km, MT+5), the Mongolian capital
  • Zamiin-Uud (7,013 km, MT+5), Mongolian border town
  • Erenhot (842 km from Beijing, MT+5), Chinese border town
  • Datong (371 km, MT+5)
  • Beijing (MT+5)

Average weather along the TransSiberian:


Customs & Immigration. There are major delays of three to six hours at both, the China-Mongolia and Russia-Mongolia borders.