\Collected by Bolod \

1. "The Land of the Lamas" by Rockhill W.W/a journey into eastern Tibet and Mongolia in 1888-1889/.
2. "Diary of A Journey Through Mongolia and Tibet in 1891" by Rockhill W.W,
3. "Notes of a Journey in Northern Mongolia in 1893" by Borradaile, A.A.
4. "The Land of the Camel/tents and Temples of Inner Mongolia" by Schuyler Cammann. The Ronald Press Company. New York. 1950.
5. "China Caravans" by Robert Easton. Capra Press. Santa Barbara, California.
6. "Unknown Mongolia" by Douglas Carruthers. London. 1913. Hutchinson & Co.
7. "Men and Gods in Mongolia"/Zayagan/ by Henning Haslund. National Travel Club. New York. 1935.
8. "Beasts, Men and Gods" by F.Ossendowski, 1923, New York. E.P. Dutton & Company,
9. "Mongolia and Kam" by Kozlov Petr Kuzmich. St. Petersburg: The Imperial Geographical Society, 1905-1906.
10. "Travels In Mongolia, 1902": Journey of C.W. Campbell,
11. "The Desert Road To Turkestan" by Owen Lattimore, Boston, 1929.
12."1900-High Tartary" by Owen Lattimore. Kodansha International. 1994
13. "Among the Celestials" by Captain Younghusband, C.I.E. London. John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1898
14. "Mongolia and Mongols"/Presenting the Results of a Trip Taken in 1892 and 1893/ by Pozdneev A.M
15. "Chinese Agent in Mongolia" by Ma Ho-t'ien. The Johns Hopkins Press. 1949.
16. "Mongolia: The Tangut Country and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet" by N. Prejevalski, London. S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington. 1876.
17. "Siberia, Northern Asia and the Great Amoor River Country" by Major Perry McD. Collins. New York. D.Appleton and Company. 1864.
19. "High Road in Tartary"/travels in Tartary, Tbet and China during the years 1844-1846/ by Abbe Huc. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1948.
20. "Across Mongolian Plains" by Roy Chapman Andrews. D. Appleton and Company. New York. 1921.
21. "The Story of the Mongols whom We call Tartars" by Giovanni Di Plano Carpini/c. 1180-1252/.
-"Accounts of the Mongols" by William of Rubruck.
22. "Travels" by Marco Polo.
23. "A Journey in Southern Siberia" by Jeremiah Curtin, 1909.-
24. "The Black Year"(The White Russians in Mongolia in the Year 1921) by Konstantin Noskov. Harbin, 1930.
25. "Report by the Russian consul in Urga Shishmarev on the situation in Mongolia, July, 1885"
Author: Shishmarev, Iakov Parfen'evich, 1833-1915.
26. "The Far Eastern Republic" by Junius B. Wood, National Geographic Magazine, June 1922.
27. "A Wayfarer in China"/Impressions of a trip across West China and Mongolia/ by Elizabeth Kendall.
28. "Унгерн, Урга и Алтан-Булак". Першин Д.П. Барон (Записки очевидца о смутном времени во Внешней (Халхаской) Монголии в первой ирети ХХ века).
29. Русский консул в Монголии: Отчет Я. П. Шишмарёва о 25-летней деятельности Ургинского консульства. Иркутск. Оттиск. 2001.

30. http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bulstrode/mongolia/mongolia.html"A Tour in Mongolia" by Beatrix Bulstrode (Mrs. Edward Manico Gull) with an introduction bearing on the political aspect of that country, by David Fraser. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., 1920.

31. Ровинский П. А. "Мои странствования по Монголии" Вестн. Европы. — 1874.
32. Грумм-Гржумайло Г. Е. "Западная Монголия и Урянхайский край".
33. Рерих Ю.Н "По тропам Срединной Азии". Хабаровск. 1982
34. Владимирцов Б. "Монгольские сказания об Амурсане" Восточные записки. 1927.
35. Позднеев А.М "Монголия и Монголы"/Дневники и маршрут/. 1896
36. Козлов П.К "Монголия и Кам", Санкт-Петербург, 1905.
37. "Луч Азий", 1930-аад онуудад Харбинд хэвлэгдэж байсан сэтгүүл.
38. "Бог войны-Барон Унгерн", Макеев А.С. Шанхай, 1934.
39. "События в Монголий- Халх, 1920-1921 годах"/Военно-исторический очерк-воспоминания/, Шанхай, 1942.
40. "От Кяхты до Кульджи. Путешествие в Центральную Азию и Китай"/1892-1894/. - Ленинград, Издательство АН СССР, 1940. Обручев В. А
41. "Mongolian Adventure"/1920s danger and escape among the mounted nomads of Central Asia/ by Henning Haslund

42. "In Secret Mongolia" by Henning Haslund. 1934.  Adventure Unlimited Press. 1995. USA.

43. М. В. Певцов. Путешествия по Китаю и Монголии М., Государственное издательство географической литературы, 1951.

44. "Tents in Mongolia/Yabonah/" by Henning Haslund. Kegan Paul. London. 1934.
45. "A Tour in Mongolia" by B.M. Gull," (1920), posted on Internet Archive
46. "The New Mongolia" by L. Forbath, (1936), posted on Internet rchive
47. "Outer Mongolia, Treaties and Agreements" by Carnegie Endowment, (1921), posted on Internet Archive
48. "James Gilmour of Mongolia : his diaries, letters, and reports" by J. Gilmore, R. Lovett, (1892), posted on Internet Archive
49. "Journeys in north China, Manchuria, and eastern Mongolia" by A. Williamson,(1870), posted on Internet Archive
50. "Tibet, Tartary and Mongolia: Their Social and Political Condition" by H.Th. Prinsep(1852), posted on Internet Archive
51. "Travels of the Russian mission through Mongolia to China" by E.F. Timkovski,(1827), posted on Internet Archive
52. "Under the Chinese dragon; a tale of Mongolia" by Ch.M. Sheldon, (1912), posted on Internet Archive
53. "The challenge of Central Asia [microform] : a brief survey of Tibet and its borderlands, Mongolia, north-west Kansu, Chinese Turkistan, and Russian Central Asia" by M. Cable,(1929), posted on Internet Archive
54. "Sport and science on the Sino-Mongolian frontier" by A. de C. Sowerby, (1918), posted on Internet Archive
55. "Survey of the missionary occupation of China" by Th.J. Cochrane,(1913), posted on Internet Archive
56. "The Chinese empire: a general & missionary survey" by M. Broomhall,.. (1907), posted on Internet

57. Серебренников И.И. Великий отход. Рассеяние по Азии белых Русских Армий. 1919-1923. Харбин, 1936, с. 69.

58. Сазонов С.Д. Воспоминания, Берлин, 1927, с. 53-54.

59. Сборник договоров России с другими государствами. 1856-1917 гг., М., 1952.

60. Случайный. В осажденной Урге (впечатления очевидца). // Русское обозрение, № 5, 1921, Пекин, с. 184.

61. Семенов Г.М. О себе: Воспоминания, мысли, выводы. Б.м., 1938, с. 39, 43.

62. - Деятельность Особого Маньчжурского Атмана Семенова отряда, Харбин, 1919, с. 9.

63. Мих. Волосович. "Письмо из Монголии". // Иртыш, № 4, Омск, 31 января 1919 г.; Сергеев Е. О Монголии. // Иртыш, № 10-11, Омск, 13 марта 1919 г.

64. Казачье эхо, Чита, № 3, 31 сентября (18 октября) 1919 г.

65.  Князев Н.Н. "Легендарный барон" (Из воспоминаний о ген.-лейтенанте Бароне Унгерне). // Луч Азии, Харбин, 1934, № 2-3, с. 7-9.

66. Рибо Н.М. (Рябухин) История барона Унгерна-Штернберга, рассказанная его штатным врачом // http://rapidshare.com/files/436104621/sternb_1_.rar

67. Леонид Юзефович: "Самодержец пустыни: барон Р. Ф. Унгрен-Штернберг и мир, в котором он жил".

68. "The Correspondence of G. E. Morrison 1912-1920" by George Ernest Morrison. http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bulstrode/mongolia/mongolia....

69. "Oriental and Western Siberia\a narrative of seven years' exploration and adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, the Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary, and a part of central Asia\" by Thomas Witlam Atkinson, New York, 1858. 
